Monday, August 12, 2013

It's Official!  Today was our very first day of homeschooling! 

School surprisingly went smooth!  I wasn't sure since I would be teaching four different children how the day would go.  We ended up getting 4-4 1/2 hours of school in and completed a full day of work!  We covered Bible, Music, History, Research, Poetry, Science, Geography, Math, English, Phonics, Story time, Reading, Crafts, Copy work, and Spelling!  Yes, it was a full day!! 

When I went to bed last night I was nervous about how I was going to teach all of them different things and how I was going to help all four with their math at the same time.  Today when I woke up I decided at the last minute we were going to be doing a lot of the work together!  I combined as much as I could and it all seemed to work out!  The kids had fun and day one was a success!

Tomorrow is a new day!  I wonder if today was smooth just because of first day excitement or if tomorrow will continue in the right direction?  I do pray it ends up being a breeze... Although I know every day will not be perfect. 

I can't believe I have a 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grader!  I'm so proud of my Littles! 



  1. Go Angie Go! Did I ever mention "your my hero" (with music in the background) lol. I know you will be a great teacher because you are a great mom! Miss hanging with you friend!

    1. Thanks Laura! I miss you too! Can't wait to see you in the next week or so for pictures! We will have to catch up!
